Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Birthday Boy!

I love a reason to throw a party but this year for Eastons birthday we decided to play together as a family. I have to admit that I had a little blenvy (blog envy) this morning after looking at pictures from Hali's birthday party--Mindy, you are the coolest mom ever!! But, it did feel really nice not stressing over party plans and baking and decorating cakes and spending lots of money when really this is all Easton needed to make his birthday a happy one---a Shrek balloon bouquet!

We went to lunch at Carls Jr. to eat and play with cousin Josh

and when I say "eat" I am refering to fry sauce and sprite, of course!

That evening we went swimming and opened presents. The plan to simplify worked out pretty well! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEDGE---WE LOVE YOU!


Sunshine said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY birthday boy. Sorry we didn't get to see you.... but we will soon.
I love doing big parties too but I'm realizing at this young age is the time when we can get away with doing less so why not take advantage of it.My kids might start getting big parties alternated with family parties every other year.
Happy Birthday!!

Mindy said...

He is such a handsome boy!!! I can't believe how grown-up he looks. Maybe you could help me with my parties next year. Your way sounds lots easier!

Rebecca said...

How can he be so big already! Happy birthday Easton!

Tiff said...

Happy Birthday bud! He is getting so big!!!